
The following map shows the location of the conference venue and the recommended walking routes.

Street map of Helsinki

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA.

A larger version of the map is available as a PDF file and as a PNG image.


The following map shows the location of Suomenlinna sea fortress, where we will have our conference banquet.

If you want to visit Suomenlinna on your own (or if you miss our boat), you can take the ferry operated by HSL. The ferry uses the same ticket system as all public transportation in Helsinki region. A single internal ticket costs 2.70 €; you will have to buy the ticket before you enter the ferry. The HSL ferry departs from point I on the Market Square and takes you to point J in Suomenlinna. From the ferry terminal you can walk to the banquet site (approx. 1.6 km).

Downtown Helsinki and Suomenlinna sea fortress

Contains data from the National Land Survey of Finland basic map raster product 05/2012.
Used under the National Land Survey open data licence, version 1.0.

A very large version of the map is available as a PNG image.


1st floor (ground floor)

If you enter the conference venue from the west (street: Fabianinkatu), you will be on the 1st floor of the building. Take the stairs or the lift to the 2nd floor.

The Fabianinkatu entrance is open all the time during the conference.

Main Building, 1st floor

2nd floor

If you enter the conference venue from the east (Senate Square), you will be on the 2nd floor of the building. There are lots of stairs to climb; the Fabianinkatu entrance (west) is easier to access.

The Senate Square entrance is only open until 4pm daily; however, you can leave the building through this entrance after 4pm as well.

The joint SWAT/CPM registration desk is in the hallway of the 2nd floor. The conference receptions are held in "Lehtisali", and some of the CPM sessions are in Hall 1 — see the conference programme for detailed information.

Main Building, 2nd floor

3rd floor

On the 3rd floor, there are no SWAT/CPM activities, but you are of course welcome to use the lobby during the coffee breaks if the 2nd and 4th floor get too crowded.

Main Building, 3rd floor

4th floor

All invited talks of SWAT & CPM and all contributed talks of SWAT are in the "Small Hall" (Pieni Juhlasali) on the 4th floor — see the conference programme for detailed information.

There are also two small classrooms that the conference participants are welcome to use: Hall 14 is reserved for CPM participants, and Hall 15 is reserved for SWAT participants.

Main Building, 4th floor


The easiest way to reach the conference venue is to use the entrance on Fabianinkatu street (west). Then you can take the lift to the 2nd floor for registration and to the 4th floor for the conference.

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